I don’t talk to dead people, but my clients do… sort of. I practice a variation of hypnotherapy where I help clients communicate with their guides, angels, totems, ancestors, spiritual teachers, or whomever they believe in. I don’t bring in these otherworldly advisors; the client does. I ask questions of these guides, but it is always the client who answers the questions by first listening to the source and then relaying the information they are given.

The more I noticed how helpful this information was for my clients as they worked through challenges, the more interested I became in what other insights the guides might be able to share about the broader, more universal questions we all have.  So, I started asking questions about life, death, the afterlife, karma, parallel planes, healing, and why we exist on this planet.

That is how this journey began.  I asked the guides to share their wisdom with us.  Not only were there many amazing surprises in the responses, but there was a remarkable consistency as well.  How could it be that the same information would come forth regardless of whether the source was an angel, an animal totem, a ball of energy, a spirit guide or even Jesus Christ?  How could it be that the same information was given regardless of whether the client was a Christian, a Jew, an atheist, or one who describes themselves as metaphysical? And how could it be that many of those answers would challenge the spiritual foundations that many of us have grown up with or have come to accept? Despite all of the different sources, it was as if all of this Sacred Wisdom was coming from One Voice.

Other writers have written books where they channeled information from spiritual sources. While some of those books are intriguing, the perspectives they present could potentially be colored by the personal bias of the author. With One Voice, Sacred Wisdom, I am not the one channeling information, and the purpose of this work is not to tell you how to think or what to believe. My role was to be the objective reporter and record the communications given to clients as they conversed with their own personal guides.  What I do share is my journey along the way: I started out with my own ideas and opinions only to have many of those beliefs turned upside down during this process.

One Voice, Sacred Wisdom is a compilation of these amazing communications.  It might shake up your belief system, but more importantly, it may offer new groundbreaking wisdom and guidance to help you understand and navigate your way through this journey of life.

One Voice, Sacred Wisdom

Scheduling Sessions Where You Can Communicate With Your Guides

If you are intrigued by the idea of meeting and communicating with your guides, exploring parallel planes or perhaps even investigating other realms, you can undergo that experience by scheduling a couple of hypnosis sessions with James. Those two sessions can be scheduled on the same day (for out-of-town visitors), done on consecutive days, or spread out over a more extended period of time.

If necessary, out-of-town visitors can schedule the two One Voice, Sacred Wisdom sessions in the same day and fly in and out on the day of their appointments.  However, it is usually more relaxing to extend your stay.  Denver is a vibrant city, with much to see and do, and being so close to the Rocky Mountains makes it easy to schedule a side trip for skiing, hiking, and enjoying nature. The Rocky Mountain Hypnotherapy Center is located in Lakewood (a suburb to the west of Denver) Colorado, and several restaurants and hotels are within walking distance of the center.

If you would like more information about this program or would like to schedule your sessions, please reach out using the contact information at the bottom of the page.

Podcasts and Radio Shows Featuring One Voice, Sacred Wisdom

The Coast to Coast AM

Host: George Noory

Space Exploration/ Hypnotherapy & Spirit Guides

Recorded on February 7th, 2018, a radio show about hypnosis and One Voice, Sacred Wisdom. James is the second guest on the show.

KZUM Radio Show

Host: Scott Colborn

Exploring Unexplained Phenomena

Recorded August 19th, 2017, James talks about One Voice, Sacred Wisdom. James is the second guest on the show, and his segment starts around the 32-minute mark.

Empower Radio — Power On-Demand

Host: Wendy Garrett

What happens when we die?

Recorded October 18th, 2017, James shares information about One Voice, Sacred Wisdom on the Wendy Garrett "Conscious Living" radio show.

The Power of Archtypes

Host: Jim Harold

The Paranormal Podcast 492

Recorded July 6th, 2017, a Podcast about One Voice, Sacred Wisdom. James is the second guest on the show and his segment starts around the 42 minute mark.